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Crosfield & Selhurst Nursery School

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Equality, Diversity and British Values


All children, staff and parents have the right to feel welcome, secure and happy at the nursery. Bullying or discrimination of any sort can prevent equality of opportunity and inclusion and we all have a responsibility to prevent this. We recognise, respect and value difference and strive to remove barriers or disadvantages that people may face.

We strongly believe that diversity is one our strongest assets, which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach, work and visit us.

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The general duties are to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations across our school community.

Promoting fundamental British values were first defined in the PREVENT strategy as;
“democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” 

The teaching of British Values is an integral part of our ethos and values within our Federation School all members of our community are respected, valued and given space to express themselves.   

There are 4 key threads that we promote to ensure the children have a variety of experiences and opportunities which will prepare them for future life in Modern Britain, these are:-

  • Democracy - children having views, valuing each other, talking about feelings, turn taking, sharing, working together and developing enquiring minds

  • Rule of law - managing feelings and behaviour, consequences, learning right from wrong, rules

  • Individual liberty - developing confidence, self-worth, self-esteem, taking risks, talk about differences 

  • Mutual respect and tolerance - learning about how you want to be treated, similarities/differences (families, faiths, community, culture). 


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